Our funds are informed by global investment research addressing the demands of the ever-changing financial landscape. Every investor has unique needs and Lazard has built a suite of differentiated funds to help you find the investment solutions that best meet your needs.
Irish funds prices shown are the latest available. The Funds are priced at 16:00 in New York City, United States with the exception of European Equity Fund which is priced at 12 noon in Dublin, Ireland.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount they initially invested.
Factors including changes in the rate of exchange between the currency in which the fund's assets are denominated, the currency of the fund and the currency of the share class of your investment, may have the effect of causing the value of your investment to fluctuate.
The prices shown are historic. They do not include any initial dealing charge or other charges that may be applicable. The price change represents pricing movement from the previous dealing day's price.
Prices provided by the Fund Administrator. Lazard Asset Management Limited takes reasonable care to ensure that the information provided is correct, but it neither warrants, represents nor guarantees the content of the information nor does it accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or inconsistencies.