Complaint Management
If something goes wrong, it is vital that customers understand that their complaint will be dealt with in a reasonable manner and that they will get a fair outcome. In order to improve the quality of our service at Lazard Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH, we have established a complaint management division to ensure that our customers are treated fairly.
Please send any complaint to
After receiving your complaint we will:
Send you a written acknowledgement within 5 days that the complaint has been received and is being dealt with
Ensure you are kept up-to-date with progress in resolving your complaint
If Lazard Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH is not able to provide a final response within 4 weeks, you will get a written statement explaining why and when we expect to be able to provide a response.
Lazard Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH is a member of the Ombudsstelle für Investmentfonds of the BVI. The Ombudsstelle für Investmentfonds is designed to resolve complaints about financial services firms quickly and with minimal formality.
Please note the ombudsman procedure is a free service and only eligible for private investors.
Büro der Ombudsstelle des BVI
Bundesverband Investment
und Asset Management e.V.
Unter den Linden 42
10117 Berlin
Lazard Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH is allocated to the compensation scheme of the securities trading companies (EdW). For more information about EdW, please visit
Lazard Asset Management (Deutschland) GmbH
Christof Pieper
Neue Mainzer Straße 75
D-60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69-50606-210