Lazard Wealth

Elevate your wealth.
Expect excellence.
Experience the difference at Lazard.

About Us

Harnessing A 175+ year Legacy Of Partnering With Clients

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with clients, we help simplify the complexities of wealth with strategic advice and sophisticated investment solutions.  Our decades of experience position us to help our clients tackle challenges unique to them.

  • Utilize a fiduciary-focused approach to serve our client's best interest
  • Ensure transparent and aligned fee structures
  • Tailor solutions for each client

  • Provide families with institutional-quality investment solutions
  • Employ diverse strategies across public and private markets to optimize risk-return tradeoffs
  • Foster collaboration among diverse experts to uncover innovative ideas

  • Navigate intricate portfolios that hold legacy and private investments
  • Collaborate seamlessly with external advisors
  • Engage families across multiple generations

  • Leverage fully integrated reporting and performance analytics
  • Benefit from enterprise-level encryption and security through private cloud storage
  • Embrace innovative technologies to enhance operations, reporting and transparency

World-Class Private Investment Platform

Our Private Investment Platform harnesses our vast global network to unlock access to top-tier opportunities. Our expertise lies in identifying smaller managers and niche strategies, targeting less efficient market segments that have consistently outperformed the broader private market.

We build portfolios that are diversified by underlying strategy, yet concentrated into the team’s best ideas to ensure return impact from each investment:


Beyond our fund investment program, we also offer access to differentiated direct co-investment opportunities into private companies and assets alongside best-in-class sponsors.

*Allocations across asset classes are illustrative in nature and for example purposes only.  Actual asset allocations may and often will differ from the allocations depicted above.

Customized Solutions

Customized Wealth Solutions Lead To Better Client Outcomes

We take the time to listen to our clients, gaining a deep understanding of their unique goals and objectives. By crafting a tailored framework that combines their specific needs with our team's expertise, we enable clients to achieve long-term financial success.

wealth customized solutions chart

Meet Our Leadership Team

Connect With An Advisor

We pride ourselves on understanding the evolving needs of our clients and addressing them with intellectual honesty, rigor, and humility. Experience the power of a legacy built on years of preserving and growing our clients' wealth across generations.

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