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Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Active ETF

Investors can now access Lazard's flagship Global Listed Infrastructure Fund as an exchange traded fund (ETF), using the ticker ‘GIFL’. Explore the Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Active ETF page today.

Investing in Motion: Driving Trends Forward

As we prepare to tackle a market environment that is poised to change further, Chief Executive Officer Evan Russo explores what it may mean for investors.

Global Outlook 2025

Chief Market Strategist Ronald Temple shares his outlook for 2025, with a focus on the policy shifts most likely to impact investors.

About Us

Delivering world-class investment solutions and growth, we are a trusted partner committed to championing your success and pursuing your financial goals.



Any continuous disclosure notices regarding a Lazard Fund that is a disclosing entity can be found under the Updated Information section of our website.

Lazard Defensive Australian Equity

Introducing our Defensive Australian Equity Solution


Investment Solutions

Lazard offers products across a broad spectrum of asset classes, designed for different client types. Our traditional and alternative investment services cover listed equity and fixed income investments in a wide range of global, regional and country specific strategies.


Our equity strategies focus on research and bottom-up portfolio construction, driven by debate and intellectual freedom—and distinct performance needs.

Fixed Income

In fixed income, we believe active management that seeks fundamentally sound investments is essential to delivering strong returns in different environments. 

Real Assets

As a leader in infrastructure investing, we believe in the value of real assets, especially when it comes to generating returns and buffering against inflation.


Our multi-asset approach combines dynamic asset allocation with bottom-up security selection, providing investors access to high-conviction views.


Our alternatives solutions are designed to deliver tailored risk-adjusted returns and differentiated diversification benefits vs. traditional asset classes.

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Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries and our team will reach out to you.

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Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries and our team will reach out to you.

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