Lazard Developing Markets Equity Select ADR

As of Date:



[[AS_OF_DATE]] | All values in [[CURRENCY]] unless otherwise specified | Performance Inception: [[INCEPTION_DATE]]

The performance quoted represents past performance.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Gross of fee results are presented supplemental to net of fee results, as no trading costs are included.

  • Distribution Dividend-


Download History

[[AS_OF_DATE]] | All values in [[CURRENCY]] unless otherwise specified | Performance Inception: [[INCEPTION_DATE]]


[[AS_OF_DATE]] | All values in [[CURRENCY]] unless otherwise specified | Performance Inception: [[INCEPTION_DATE]]

Beta is a relative measure of the sensitivity of a fund's return to changes in the benchmark's return. The beta of the fund versus its benchmark is the amount (and direction) the fund has historically moved when the benchmark moved by one unit.

Standard deviation measures the dispersion or "spread" of individual observations around their mean. Standard deviation of returns measures a fund's historical volatility, where a higher number is evidence of greater volatility (i.e., higher risk).

Effective Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of a fund’s value to changes in interest rates and accounts for any option features embedded in the fund’s holdings.

Effective Maturity is a measure of the average expected maturity of a fund’s holdings and accounts for actual maturities as well as expected early redemptions.

Unless otherwise noted, characteristics are trailing 12 months.

Dividend yield (%) is calculated by dividing dividends paid by the Fund’s current holdings over the trailing 12 months by the Fund’s NAV.

Top Holdings
Lazard (%)

[[AS_OF_DATE]] | All values in [[CURRENCY]] unless otherwise specified | Performance Inception: [[INCEPTION_DATE]]

Mention of these securities should not be considered a recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell the securities.

It should not be assumed that any investment in these securities was, or will prove to be, profitable, or that the investment decisions we make in the future will be profitable or equal to the investment performance of securities referenced herein.

There is no assurance that any securities referenced herein are currently held in the portfolio or that securities sold have not been repurchased.

The securities mentioned may not represent the entire portfolio.

Team as of date: xx-xx-xxxx