Emerging Markets Equity
Emerging Markets Equity
Seeks solid long-term relative returns by investing in financially productive firms at attractive valuations.MSCI Emerging Markets Index
Emerging markets, once a niche asset class, has evolved into a vast opportunity set, composed of roughly 76 countries and representing more than half of the global economy.
We believe emerging markets are on the cusp of a resurgence, driven by shifting demographics and a series of positive economic developments.
Over the next 10 years, two billion people are expected to join these economies, generating wealth, driving demand, and creating unparalleled investment opportunities. Being able to understand these unique growth drivers and capitalize on them is where our experience truly makes a difference.
Emerging Markets Are Significant Contributors to Global GDP
As of 30 January 2024.
*Gross GDP is on purchasing power parity basis.
Source: Haver Analytics, IMF
We believe emerging markets are on the cusp of a resurgence, driven by shifting demographics and a series of positive economic developments.
Over the next 10 years, two billion people are expected to join these economies, generating wealth, driving demand, and creating unparalleled investment opportunities. Being able to understand these unique growth drivers and capitalize on them is where our experience truly makes a difference.
Years in Emerging Markets Investing
Emerging Markets Investment Professionals
Emerging Markets Assets Under Management1
Emerging Markets Countries Invested in2
Our long-term presence and proven track record underscore our unwavering dedication to harnessing the full potential of emerging markets to generate alpha. It’s against this backdrop that we establish innovative investment solutions—all built with confidence and conviction. Our aim is to provide clients with a variety of options for investing in emerging markets that meet their diverse range of investment objectives and financial goals.
MSCI Emerging Markets Index
MSCI Emerging Markets Index
MSCI Emerging Markets Index
MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index
Access our latest thought leadership.
1. As of 30 September 2024. Include those of Lazard Asset Management LLC (New York) and its affiliates, but do not include those of Lazard Frères Gestion (Paris) or other asset management businesses of Lazard Ltd.
2. Firm Wide, as of 30 September 2024.
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Issued by Lazard Asset Management LLC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.